Sunday, December 20, 2009

How much would Unicron cost?

Unicron.... the planet eater.

Feared by both Autobots and Decepticons.

First appearance of this near immortal Transformer was made during the featuring of "Transformers: The Movie". No, not the Holloywood version, but the one that was drawn aka Manga style in the cartoon version of the movie (I believe way back in 1986?).

Devouring planet after planet only to fuel its own survival, Unicron is able to withstand direct impact from any known energy beam or force and fears nearly nothing in its path and quest to conquer the universe.

Fans would recall the fateful moment when Cybertron was nearly crushed by Unicron if not for the heroic effort of the Autobots' sacrifice. Unfortunately, the moons of Cybertron were not spared.

If you've not got Unicron in your list of collectibles, then you ought to have one in your collection! We've got them here at USD 250 (includes shipping). If you're keen, do remember to join our mailing list to find out more, or simply to listen out to more interesting news about The Transformers, from a fan member's perspective.

"No one surives the wrath of Unicron!"

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Transformers merges with Star Wars?


Is this possible? Has the world gone nuts? Or is this some kind of new sequel to either The Transformers or Star Wars?

Don't panic....

In case you've been hiding under the rock and kept yourself locked up all these months (say about 15 months ago till now), you ought to know by now that Hasbro (yep, the toy makers of these 2 highly popular pop culture products) have launched a new series of action figures to delight as well as expand the imagination of both The Transformers as well as Star Wars fans alike.

Fans of the Transformers know very well which Autobot or Decepticon transforms into which Earthly or Cybertronian vehicle, aircraft or device. But would fans know how the Autobots or Decpeticons would look like if they were to have their fates crossing into the paths of the Star Wars universe?


"I Wanna Know Who Transforms Into Which Star Wars Character Right NOW!"

Friday, August 28, 2009

Transformers Sound Track

What's so cool about the Transformers?

It's not just the characters depicted in both the comics or on screen, but other equally comparable aspects as well. What is it then?

It's the dialogue they engage in and the accompanying sountrack, dude :)

Top Ringtones for your Mobile!

Seriously, while most folks may laugh at us when we tell them we're fans of the Transformers, what they don't often reaslise is perhaps the so called "moral" values we can learn from. Yep, the so called "good versus evil" and that "good shall always prevail" thing.

Wait... check that second statement again. Does "good always prevail"? Not really in the real world. Let's face it, how often have we come across reports in the papers and media when a "good" samaritan gets struck with ill fortune while in the line of doing good "public service" duty (or the equivalent)? Almost everyday if you ask me. But then again, there are also news of equally promising deeds well rewarded for doing good (thank goodness for that).

And if you really observe the trend in the script writing imported in both the comic series as well as on-screen production (both the movie or the new generation cartoon series), you'll agree that such realities are being reflected in the Transformers as well.

So, the next time someone laughs at us for being a fan of the Transformers, you can consider telling them that point of view.

And the accompanying soundtrack? Like they say, "music creates the atmosphere", and is adequately applied on screen in the Transformers episodes as well. Whether its the theme sountrack or the other lyrics employed on screen, they all try to tell a story and the mood at that very important moment.

For some these Transformers themes and sountrack, checkout the "Top Ringtones" link above that you can instantly download on your mobile phone!

The Transformers... truly "More Than Meets The Eye"!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Transformers 2 The Movie: Autobot Wheelie

Have you watched Transformers 2: The Movie? Noticed many more Autobots and Decepticons introduced this time round. Not sure? No worries, coause neither did I. But why?

If you've really seen the movie, you'd agree that this time round, there's lot more tonnes of special effects flying across the screen, and all that smooth transformation of robots from both sides.

But if you've checked out my heading above, I'd like to draw your attention to a particular Autobot: Wheelie.

Fans of The Transformers should know what the 'real' Wheelie looks like and is much more humanistic in appearance, although their size is about the same upon transformation. I recall Wheelie in the manga series is supposed to be a fast and sleek mini sports car, right? But check out the latest screen movie version and what did you notice? Wheelie's now a Decepticon spy hidden as a mini remote controlled 4 x4 jeep, and fortuntaley turned over his allegience midway through the show as a Autobot.

And here's the best part: he tried 'humping' the lead actress (by the leg) like a little dog! Man... I wonder if the rating 'parental advisory' should have been used to describe that screen moment.

Go watch the movie if you haven't! (check out my link below to watch The Transformers right on your PC today!)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Transformers: Starscream







Love him or hate him. We gotta give it to him for still being around in nearly every episode of The Transformers cartoon series, comic collections, and right now, on the movie screens. Just like his Decepticon commander, Megatron, Starscream possesses the knowledge as well as stamina and determination to constantly devise strategies and seek out ingenious ways of destroying their long term rivals, the Autobots.

But if you're a true follower of The Transformers, you'll also agree that many a times, this ambitious character has always sabotaged himself indirectly thanks to his eager plotting activities against his commander, Megatron.

But enought about his character. What's interesting is the various conversion modes he's been designed to adapt to both in the comic and cartoon series, as well as in the movie.

For the comic strip (and TV), he is often seen disguised as a F-15 Eagle assault aircraft. Personally, I think its an injustice to our brave pilots out there who fly this magnificent aircraft defending our skies both locally and overseas.

In the movie version, Starscream is transformed into a F-22 Raptor assault aircraft. Personally (again), I feel that his on-screen movie appearance looks horrible, and would much prefer him to look similiar just like in the cartoon series.

Here's one for all Starscream fans: Transformers Starscream Bust

Friday, June 5, 2009

Transformers 2: The Movie

Alright all you Autobot and Decepticon fans, the long wait is soon to be well paid off. The sequel to the first Hollywood made "Transformers, The Movie" will soon be out on the movie screens at a theatre near you.

But wait... if I too have not seen the movie, then what and why am I bringing this topic up in this blog?

Well, it turns out that right from the first movie screened earlier, "Transformers: The Movie" did not seem to accurately depict what I persoanlly felt should have been portaryed based on the cartoon show (or even the comics version) we alraedy know so well.

Let's recap a little right now:

a) In the comic or cartoon version (yes, even in the Japanese manga version), the Autobots were forced to vacate their home planet, Cybertron, as it was slowly eaten and destroyed by the planet eater, Unicron (and yes, the Decepticons followed along as well). This was not depicted in the movie that was shown on screen.

b) The whole gang had actually arrived on board their individual space craft while fleeing Cybertron millions of years ago and thus crash landed on Earth. In the movie version, they seemed to have arrived by "transforming" themselves as meteorites in order to enter our planet.

c) This issue I am personally particular about: their looks and appearance. I mean...come on... everyone knows taht Bumble Bee can speak, right? And he was supposed to be disguised as a Volkswagon Beetle series, and not some sports Camero (or whatever). And the movie version looks quite horrid in terms of their experience. Too "boxy" in appearance and I wished their faces could have been more humanoid looking.

Any comments on the above?

Till then, let's wait and see what the coming movie sequel will thrill us with. In the mean time, we've got some games lined up at the side for free. Go try them out!

"Transform and Roll Out!"

BUT WAIT... Why Squeeze with the Crowd When YOU can Watch Transformers 2 and Many More On Your PC! Click Here To Find Out MORE!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Transformers: Optimus Prime

Leader, Commander, Saviour, Hero and Visionary.

No other words can best describe this heroic Autobot leader, Optimus Prime, from the world of Cybertron.

Quiz time: Which of these vehicles has this supreme commander been transformed into most often?

a) Convoy Rig Truck

b) Meteorite from Cybertron

c) Futuristic Spacecraft

Well, unless you've been hiding under the rocks all your childhood or teenage life, the answer's pretty obvious, ain't it? It's the Convoy Rig Truck!

But do you also recall that whenever Optimus Prime had to transform into this heavy duty vehicle, a trailer would somewhat appear out of nowhere, especially in the animated series? Really, how do you explain that?

Apparently, some sources have said that it somewhat materializes out of thin air when summoned by Prime. Others have claimed that it is simply made up of various other components from his "body part" in robotic mode. And you guessed it, it all comes apart and merges into this huge trailer.

Or is it not?

Well, there are other theories surrounding this explanation of the "mysterious" trailer. And it would probably take you quite awhile to find out the official answer. But hey, as they say"Transfomers...more than meets the eye" !

What's your view?

Friday, May 8, 2009

Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye!

The Transformers.

More Than Meets The Eye.

Autobots, transform and roll out!

Sounds familiar? Excited? Well if you are, then this fan club site is definitely the site worth bookmarking and subscribing to!

Over the course of time, we'll be adding more contents and special notes pertaining to Transformers. One of the longest running serial cartoon episodes that's been made into a major block buster, and has been translated into various international language.

Hailing from the hometown of "Cybertron", the battle between two major forces: Autobots and Decepticons, have been constantly fought and has travelled all out to our planet, Earth.

Initially starting off as a Japanese manga comic, The Transformers soon found itself in (mainly) the American comic mainstream and it is from here, that the battle of these legendary forces soon burst into the comic scene all across the globe.

What's your favourite item about The Transformers?

Transformers News - All News