Monday, June 29, 2009

Transformers 2 The Movie: Autobot Wheelie

Have you watched Transformers 2: The Movie? Noticed many more Autobots and Decepticons introduced this time round. Not sure? No worries, coause neither did I. But why?

If you've really seen the movie, you'd agree that this time round, there's lot more tonnes of special effects flying across the screen, and all that smooth transformation of robots from both sides.

But if you've checked out my heading above, I'd like to draw your attention to a particular Autobot: Wheelie.

Fans of The Transformers should know what the 'real' Wheelie looks like and is much more humanistic in appearance, although their size is about the same upon transformation. I recall Wheelie in the manga series is supposed to be a fast and sleek mini sports car, right? But check out the latest screen movie version and what did you notice? Wheelie's now a Decepticon spy hidden as a mini remote controlled 4 x4 jeep, and fortuntaley turned over his allegience midway through the show as a Autobot.

And here's the best part: he tried 'humping' the lead actress (by the leg) like a little dog! Man... I wonder if the rating 'parental advisory' should have been used to describe that screen moment.

Go watch the movie if you haven't! (check out my link below to watch The Transformers right on your PC today!)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Transformers: Starscream







Love him or hate him. We gotta give it to him for still being around in nearly every episode of The Transformers cartoon series, comic collections, and right now, on the movie screens. Just like his Decepticon commander, Megatron, Starscream possesses the knowledge as well as stamina and determination to constantly devise strategies and seek out ingenious ways of destroying their long term rivals, the Autobots.

But if you're a true follower of The Transformers, you'll also agree that many a times, this ambitious character has always sabotaged himself indirectly thanks to his eager plotting activities against his commander, Megatron.

But enought about his character. What's interesting is the various conversion modes he's been designed to adapt to both in the comic and cartoon series, as well as in the movie.

For the comic strip (and TV), he is often seen disguised as a F-15 Eagle assault aircraft. Personally, I think its an injustice to our brave pilots out there who fly this magnificent aircraft defending our skies both locally and overseas.

In the movie version, Starscream is transformed into a F-22 Raptor assault aircraft. Personally (again), I feel that his on-screen movie appearance looks horrible, and would much prefer him to look similiar just like in the cartoon series.

Here's one for all Starscream fans: Transformers Starscream Bust

Friday, June 5, 2009

Transformers 2: The Movie

Alright all you Autobot and Decepticon fans, the long wait is soon to be well paid off. The sequel to the first Hollywood made "Transformers, The Movie" will soon be out on the movie screens at a theatre near you.

But wait... if I too have not seen the movie, then what and why am I bringing this topic up in this blog?

Well, it turns out that right from the first movie screened earlier, "Transformers: The Movie" did not seem to accurately depict what I persoanlly felt should have been portaryed based on the cartoon show (or even the comics version) we alraedy know so well.

Let's recap a little right now:

a) In the comic or cartoon version (yes, even in the Japanese manga version), the Autobots were forced to vacate their home planet, Cybertron, as it was slowly eaten and destroyed by the planet eater, Unicron (and yes, the Decepticons followed along as well). This was not depicted in the movie that was shown on screen.

b) The whole gang had actually arrived on board their individual space craft while fleeing Cybertron millions of years ago and thus crash landed on Earth. In the movie version, they seemed to have arrived by "transforming" themselves as meteorites in order to enter our planet.

c) This issue I am personally particular about: their looks and appearance. I mean...come on... everyone knows taht Bumble Bee can speak, right? And he was supposed to be disguised as a Volkswagon Beetle series, and not some sports Camero (or whatever). And the movie version looks quite horrid in terms of their experience. Too "boxy" in appearance and I wished their faces could have been more humanoid looking.

Any comments on the above?

Till then, let's wait and see what the coming movie sequel will thrill us with. In the mean time, we've got some games lined up at the side for free. Go try them out!

"Transform and Roll Out!"

BUT WAIT... Why Squeeze with the Crowd When YOU can Watch Transformers 2 and Many More On Your PC! Click Here To Find Out MORE!

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